Newcastle United’s All-Time Starting XI

"St James' Park from the Sandman Signature hotel, 18 April 2012" by Ian Paterson. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -,_18_April_2012.jpg#/media/File:St_James%27_Park_from_the_Sandman_Signature_hotel,_18_April_2012.jpg
"St James' Park from the Sandman Signature hotel, 18 April 2012" by Ian Paterson. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -,_18_April_2012.jpg#/media/File:St_James%27_Park_from_the_Sandman_Signature_hotel,_18_April_2012.jpg /
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Keeper: Shay Given

The Republic of Ireland keeper has worn the kit of four other teams since leaving Newcastle United in 2009 but it was with the Magpies that he truly made his name. Shay Given was not the most imposing keeper, coming at just around six feet tall, but he was brilliant between the sticks. No other keeper that featured for Newcastle has been as fine a shot-stopper as Given and his reading of the game was unparalleled.

Given made 354 appearances in all competitions and is third all-time in turnouts for the club. The current Stoke City keeper is also one of the finest keepers to ever feature for Ireland and his play at the international level helped raise the profile of Newcastle United.

The only blight on his career with the Magpies was the way that it ended. In the midst of front-office turmoil and a relegation battle, Given pushed through a move to Manchester City in January of 2009. Newcastle was relegated that season though many supporters believe Given could have helped prevent that with his ability in front of net.

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